for the first time in my professional career with my company (1 month and 16 days long), this is the first time that i got the opportunity to look "nose" around the intranet site. let me explain, i pretty much run around (like a headless chicken most of the time) when i'm in the office. so i barely have the time to read. although i love reading blogs. and i realize that there are some really cool blogs over our office intranet. yeah we blog at work. it's amazing where those people find the time to do that. and it gets pretty funny, and interesting. how intelligent/brilliant some people can be. it's almost funny.
anyway.. i am so tempted to blog away! i imagine though that my blog entries will seem so stupid (?) unintelligent is a more precise word. so is this the first time that i feel insecure maybe? or maybe the first time that i am overwhelmed by being surrounded by people much much much so much more smarter than me. hard to accept. ok so i may have a little superiority complex going on. but not in a bad way i like to think. in a good way even, i reckon.
will they think that what i have to say is stupid. have you ever sat on a table over lunch when you are afraid that you're not being able to bring something valuable in to the discussion. i learned something today. (ok, so i have to go back to where i read it, short term memory loss) chair plug! there yah go. that i'm there over lunch as the chair plug.. the guy who doesn't say anything substantial. just there taking everything in. well, i'm afraid i am.. i think. but i'm learning so much. they pretty much know they're smarter than me. i know they're smarter than me. heck my mom's probably the only person who don't know that yet! you go mom!! moving back...
chair plug! (who thought that up?) it's a good one though.
yes i am a chair plug.. and i'm afraid of being the chair plug in the blog world too. dang! i always thought that there is one thing that i am the michael jordan of. but know i can't quite remember.. (glenver with an inferiority complex) sheeyet!
so as i wait for my conference call that's not happenning til 2 hours from now. i have some idle time.. to read blogs, and feel sorry for myself. don't you sometimes wish you were a bit smarter... a much bit smarter! (the chair plug strikes again!)