one thing not a lot of people know about me is this.. i have never won anything my whole life. nada.. zilch.. zero.. competitions i have won.. a few if i remember correct. but for things that depend on sheer dumb luck.. i have never one anything my whole life..
until friday..
stuck in traffic last friday night on my way to a meeting, preparing for that big saturday FutKal Event.. like i always do i was listening to the radio. the standard procedure is that i listen to the radio (klite) on my way to work and on my way from work.. and everything else i have the cd blasting =) and you seriously need to follow this.. it's a law.. like gravity..
the funny thing about me is that i get really bored during my daily commutes. so it's typical that i call someone on the phone for a chat, or i am intent on what's happening on the radio show. they were giving off a cd.. and i thought.. hey i like that cd.. so i give em a call..
i had the phone on speaker and not really expecting an answer (based on experience, they never answer.. but i still try). then suddenly the same thing was on the radio and the phone.. all i had to say was.. "holy crap!"
here's the conversation..
dj carlo: hello! who's this?
me: it's glenver
dj carlo: ok DENVER.. to win that cd you gotta sing a song of one of the artists on the cd..
me: can i do coldplay? the scientist..
dj carlo: go for it..
me: hey is it good if i get the word wrong? (have to remember.. this is me were talking about)
dj carlo: yea it's good..
me: (sing a couple of lines from the scientist) is that good?
dj carlo: yea it's pretty good actually..
dj ron: did you recently get an operation?
me: pretty much.. yeah.
dj carlo: hahaha.. he said pretty much yeah.
dj ron: hahaha
dj carlo: ok DENVER.. please do stay on the line cuz i need to get your details
then goes into commercial..
so i figured.. it's ok that he made me sing on air.. he got my name wrong anyway.. and i figured no one would get it.. like there are a gazzilion denvers out there...
off the air..
dj carlo: ok denver..
me: actually, it's glenver
dj carlo: oh sheesh.. and i was saying denver the whole time..
me: nah.. it's all good man.. happens all the time.
dj carlo: and your lastname?
me: gregorio.. glenver gregorio
dj carlo: area of residence?
me: mandaluyong
dj carlo: alright glenver.. you can claim your prize here at the station.. blah.. blah..
me: cool! thanks bro!
going back on air after the commercial..
dj carlo: blah.. blah.. klite.. blah.. so apparently i got the winner's name wrong.. it's really GLENVER GREGORIO
me in the car: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! ARG!!! dope!!! waaaaah!!!
dj carlo: alright glenver you can claim your prize anytime here at paragon.. but the thing about it si that there's a typo on the cd.. not our fault.. blah.. blah....
and that ladies and gents.. is the day i sang a song on air.. dag maddit!!!
so much for being anonymous...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Number ONE Baby!!!

hahaha... i would like to thank my one and only... and they are the following..
i will never forget everyone who helped me get here.. who else did i forget??
Thursday, October 26, 2006
finally.. google acknowledges me!
i am on the first page of google! hahaha..
thanks marc! now i have my eyes set on that Dr. Glenn Gregorio.. chief.. i got my eyes set on your top result spot.. mine! hehehe...
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Screaming in Silence
i pretty much spent the whole afternoon with mandark. we checked out the new starbucks over at lee gardens.. that place is pretty interesting. i'm not too excited about the fact that they don't have wi-fi! huwaaaat!?! shocking.
good thing marc recently signed up to globe 3g. so we had one laptop with internet.. and the other.. well.. hahaha..
i learned quite a few things from marc today. mostly google stuff. blogspot is not cooperating with me right now. 2 issues;
1. i can't seem to find myself in google! -- maybe my brain is just dead and i can't figure this thing out. or maybe.. well. i can't figure it out, period! no excuses. hahah.. none of my blogs will show on google.. common google! acknowledge me!! i almost feel like i don't exist.
2. i again have another qualm with blogspot. i can't seem to not make my whole posts show on the same page. i just want to show a brief of my daily posts and have a "Read More.." at each post.. how the hell do you do that?!?!
i'd appreciate everyone and anyones help here...
on a lighter note.
have you ever been in a situation when/where you see someone in a coffee shop. and you just like her so much.. ok.. ok.. a crush! hahaha.. (i feel like i'm in damn highschool!) but you can't talk to her.. for a lot of reasons.. a whole lot of them! and deep inside you hope that your path will cross with hers again. this may sound sad, but the only thing left to do is to go back to that coffee shop, same time same place (ok.. that's redundant). and hope to see her again. maybe then, she'd throw a smile my way..
and in my mind.. it all happened different.
as soon as marc goes out for a smokie break, i reluctantly approach her an ask.. "are you done with this magazine?"
she looks up, startled that i ask her about a magazine she didn't even notice on her table.. "uhmm.. i wasn't using it.."
"aww.. ok. can i borrow it then?"
"well.. it's not mine.. so go for it"
"thanks.. just get it from my table if you need it back.."
then she throws a smile..
i went back to my table, and put the magazine by my table and went back to my emails.. man.. that was a shoot down if i ever saw one.
but then she approaches after a few minutes and goes "you didn't even read it.."
"err.. i was gona. but then i just need to send this email out.. then i read it.."
"wow.. your online?"
"yep.. you need to check mail or something?"
"nakakahiya naman..!" she jokes
"ofcourse not.. cge let me just send this out... there. here take this seat."
"are you sure?"
"yeah.. yeah.. i could use the company. my buddy has gone missing... i'm glen by the way."
and then followed a wonderful conversation about music, study, work, futkal, m&m's, tocino, and a gazillion other nothing under the sun. marc was nice enough to be a cool buddy with our new friend carla..
we exchange number and agrees to have coff.. and then marc nudges me from my daydream with "pre, tara gutom nako.." crap! hahaha..
well carla. where ever you are.. i shall find you again.. then maybe you'd throw me that smile. =)
good thing marc recently signed up to globe 3g. so we had one laptop with internet.. and the other.. well.. hahaha..
i learned quite a few things from marc today. mostly google stuff. blogspot is not cooperating with me right now. 2 issues;
1. i can't seem to find myself in google! -- maybe my brain is just dead and i can't figure this thing out. or maybe.. well. i can't figure it out, period! no excuses. hahah.. none of my blogs will show on google.. common google! acknowledge me!! i almost feel like i don't exist.
2. i again have another qualm with blogspot. i can't seem to not make my whole posts show on the same page. i just want to show a brief of my daily posts and have a "Read More.." at each post.. how the hell do you do that?!?!
i'd appreciate everyone and anyones help here...
on a lighter note.
have you ever been in a situation when/where you see someone in a coffee shop. and you just like her so much.. ok.. ok.. a crush! hahaha.. (i feel like i'm in damn highschool!) but you can't talk to her.. for a lot of reasons.. a whole lot of them! and deep inside you hope that your path will cross with hers again. this may sound sad, but the only thing left to do is to go back to that coffee shop, same time same place (ok.. that's redundant). and hope to see her again. maybe then, she'd throw a smile my way..
and in my mind.. it all happened different.
as soon as marc goes out for a smokie break, i reluctantly approach her an ask.. "are you done with this magazine?"
she looks up, startled that i ask her about a magazine she didn't even notice on her table.. "uhmm.. i wasn't using it.."
"aww.. ok. can i borrow it then?"
"well.. it's not mine.. so go for it"
"thanks.. just get it from my table if you need it back.."
then she throws a smile..
i went back to my table, and put the magazine by my table and went back to my emails.. man.. that was a shoot down if i ever saw one.
but then she approaches after a few minutes and goes "you didn't even read it.."
"err.. i was gona. but then i just need to send this email out.. then i read it.."
"wow.. your online?"
"yep.. you need to check mail or something?"
"nakakahiya naman..!" she jokes
"ofcourse not.. cge let me just send this out... there. here take this seat."
"are you sure?"
"yeah.. yeah.. i could use the company. my buddy has gone missing... i'm glen by the way."
and then followed a wonderful conversation about music, study, work, futkal, m&m's, tocino, and a gazillion other nothing under the sun. marc was nice enough to be a cool buddy with our new friend carla..
we exchange number and agrees to have coff.. and then marc nudges me from my daydream with "pre, tara gutom nako.." crap! hahaha..
well carla. where ever you are.. i shall find you again.. then maybe you'd throw me that smile. =)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
People have got to see this
while uploading the video for my last post.. i went ahead and browsed around youtube. and can i just say.. you need to see this..
wasn't that worth it?
wasn't that worth it?
MMDA Tricked Me!
one incident that i had not posted on my last entry was the curious incident involving an MMDA bastard...
to sum it all up.. he says i swerved turning right into buendia, from EDSA. i say i was merely following the yellow lane.
but what really pissed me off was when he said, i should have gone into the yellow lane way before the turn. i know for a fact that that is BS because as i told the bastard, i've been caught (twice!) before for doing that..
the other thing that ticked me was when he said, "cge.. bababaan ko na lang yung violation mo.." (ok.. i'll lower your violation) then looks at me sorta waiting that i offer him something.
as the don said.. "my offer is this... NOTHING!"
at that instant, i take my camera out and took everything in video. (it was such pleasure to see his fingers trembling while writing the ticket)
and below is an interesting scene..
note that he even got my registration, which they don't normally do.. that's harrassment.. hahaha!
in a nutshell, he says i should go into the yellow lane way before making the turn.. i don't agree.. he offers me his name, which is covered with all his damn pens.. oh well.. that's the MMDA for you!
i initially thought it's no use because he gave me my license back.. but got a ticket which i think i still have to pay for. all 13 violations prior to this wants or has taken my license.. (??)
i was in a very pleasant mood.. and 500 bucks is worth the comedy.
score.. MMDA 13 - glenver 1
to sum it all up.. he says i swerved turning right into buendia, from EDSA. i say i was merely following the yellow lane.
but what really pissed me off was when he said, i should have gone into the yellow lane way before the turn. i know for a fact that that is BS because as i told the bastard, i've been caught (twice!) before for doing that..
the other thing that ticked me was when he said, "cge.. bababaan ko na lang yung violation mo.." (ok.. i'll lower your violation) then looks at me sorta waiting that i offer him something.
as the don said.. "my offer is this... NOTHING!"
at that instant, i take my camera out and took everything in video. (it was such pleasure to see his fingers trembling while writing the ticket)
and below is an interesting scene..
note that he even got my registration, which they don't normally do.. that's harrassment.. hahaha!
in a nutshell, he says i should go into the yellow lane way before making the turn.. i don't agree.. he offers me his name, which is covered with all his damn pens.. oh well.. that's the MMDA for you!
i initially thought it's no use because he gave me my license back.. but got a ticket which i think i still have to pay for. all 13 violations prior to this wants or has taken my license.. (??)
i was in a very pleasant mood.. and 500 bucks is worth the comedy.
score.. MMDA 13 - glenver 1
realizations in life..
i just realized that the cross-posting that i have going on between this blog and multiply won't show the pictures as intended.. sucks! or i'm probably doing something wrong like i always do.. argh! hmpf!
oh well.. work-around is.. do visit my blogspot here (if you're reading this through multiply.. if this statement absolutely makes zero sense to you.. then you're alright..) at which point.. it shall bring you to the unfathomable realm of how i intended my blog to really look like.. which is.. err.. uumm.. fine! just read it here.. it's the same banana..
right now, i'm experiencing brain-freeze without the slurpee.. which damn sucks, right!?
currently working on some materials for FutKal. and i just realized how slow i work when what i'm doing means so much to me... not that my if-i-go-any-slower-i'd-go-backwards pace is an indication of my passion for what i do.. because i'm starting to pick up pace at work.. i guess i'm just getting better at work tasks.. and FutKal is something new to me.
now.. wouldn't it have been much more efficient if i just said i'm working slow in FutKal because it's new to me?? ha! but where's the fun in that.. and if i did that.. this entry would be missing two whole useless paragraphs... and that, i cannot live with!
- g l e n v e r
oh well.. work-around is.. do visit my blogspot here (if you're reading this through multiply.. if this statement absolutely makes zero sense to you.. then you're alright..) at which point.. it shall bring you to the unfathomable realm of how i intended my blog to really look like.. which is.. err.. uumm.. fine! just read it here.. it's the same banana..
right now, i'm experiencing brain-freeze without the slurpee.. which damn sucks, right!?
currently working on some materials for FutKal. and i just realized how slow i work when what i'm doing means so much to me... not that my if-i-go-any-slower-i'd-go-backwards pace is an indication of my passion for what i do.. because i'm starting to pick up pace at work.. i guess i'm just getting better at work tasks.. and FutKal is something new to me.
now.. wouldn't it have been much more efficient if i just said i'm working slow in FutKal because it's new to me?? ha! but where's the fun in that.. and if i did that.. this entry would be missing two whole useless paragraphs... and that, i cannot live with!
- g l e n v e r
Thursday, October 19, 2006
rushing this day to slow down
music: Yellowcard - Ocean Avenue
mood: not in it
state: worn out yet surprisingly happy
this was a slow day for me. thinking about it, nothing very interesting happened to me today. so is that the pay-off of having an 8-5? i sometimes have the feeling that it's the same old day every single day.. but only during the weekdays. because let me tell yah.. boy are my weekends crazy!
last saturday clara and i went to an 'art tour'. for the first time i suddenly don't care what everyone will think about going on an art tour. it was fun. i may not be as sophisticated as i wish i were.. but heck there were a lot of interesting pictures, fun to look at.
clare insists that i did something sponteneous (i can't even spell the damn word!).. how can i be that when i can't even spell it?!? we'll get to that though.
it was surprisingly not that hard to get out of bed. probably because we had been planning this art tour for.. umm.. a month i think! and people who REALLY know me would have figured by now that that's the most fun for me (is that even grammatically correct?).
so out of bed i go to meet up at katipunan.. the trip officially begins...
Ayala Museum
how many times have you walked along the corridors of greenbelt from the office to the MRT station not realizing that you're passing a building full of treaures! probably in contention with Yuchengco, this is probably the best museum in our country.. collection is not as national artist-y (this is my main interest now) but you can't help but appreciate the extensive zobels (both of them) that they have.
then we get to the luna's and amorsolo's.. things got really interesting (god that sounded so dorky!!) i was almost proud of myself when from outside the room i went "hey.. i recognize that" recognizing amorsolo from 10 ft away. i honestly was not familiar with the painting itself.. but something about the subject, color, mood.. light-bulbed me to think "AMORSOLO!"
yo! fernando! i got you all figured out man! hahaha... then we head to lunch. (we gota eat.. right?)
GSIS Museum
ok.. so this might have been a wrong turn. again, people who know me well would figure that i take wrong turns.. that's what i do. anyway..
this is a really sad museum! yes they do have a good collection of national artists.. some i barely know. bottom line, lotsa pretty pictures in sad condition. here's the clincher -- we decided beforehand to skip this because the Parisian Life (Luna's treasured painting) is on tour somewhere in spain. so we missed that.
but there was the consolation of a replica but seriously.. this replica is even more sad than the museum itself.. my HP bubblejet at home could have done a better job at printing a copy of the damn thing! i always had the percetion that (having seen thomas crown affair one too many times) that a replica is a copy that you will hardly notice the difference from the original.. unless you are a master or/and you inspect the borders... but GSIS does have the right to boast about this. so i have to give it to them for that..
if there is a replica painter out there.. can someone please offer to paint and copy the brush strokes of the parisian life!?! i'm telling you.. that will make your career. then give me a call cuz i want a REAL replica of that painting on my wall as well...
Metropolitan Museum
so we go back to "The Plan".. off to met we go..
surprisingly, this is the first museum where we had to pay for admission. i think we had to pay in ayala too... but we just went right in! hahaha.. hey we bought a couple of things from the sale table.. that's good enough. besides.. ayala de zobel doesn't nearly compare with amador nor gregorio.. we could use the money more! ha!
going back.
a lot of modern art on this one. there was that incident of that room full of foam thingies.. hahah that was fun..
the two most interesting painting in the met are both hidalgos that they have.. well.. aside from the fact that the museum was damn half empty.. not of people.. of paintings!! the hidalgo's where there.
for me, these are the two most magnificent paintings i've seen for that day. the emotions were just too strong. simple.. magnificent. we watched people walk past it.. not appreciating how much of a treasure that painting they are ignorantly walking pass by.. so sad!
i don't wana sound like some snotty arty-fartsy.. but i wish they were at awe as much as i was.. and as depressed that it was in shitty condition..
i move that we give the national treasures to the private museums where we can almost be certain that they will be properly taken care of.. if not sold! haha!!
ok fine.. fact is i missed the spolarium.. the wing of the national museum was closed...
in all.. i guess it's ok to have missed the spolarium.. because as soon as that wing opens.. i shall go see it.
however, i have this to end the day..

they're both gregorios.. (in case your wondering..)
click here for more..
mood: not in it
state: worn out yet surprisingly happy
this was a slow day for me. thinking about it, nothing very interesting happened to me today. so is that the pay-off of having an 8-5? i sometimes have the feeling that it's the same old day every single day.. but only during the weekdays. because let me tell yah.. boy are my weekends crazy!
last saturday clara and i went to an 'art tour'. for the first time i suddenly don't care what everyone will think about going on an art tour. it was fun. i may not be as sophisticated as i wish i were.. but heck there were a lot of interesting pictures, fun to look at.
clare insists that i did something sponteneous (i can't even spell the damn word!).. how can i be that when i can't even spell it?!? we'll get to that though.
it was surprisingly not that hard to get out of bed. probably because we had been planning this art tour for.. umm.. a month i think! and people who REALLY know me would have figured by now that that's the most fun for me (is that even grammatically correct?).
so out of bed i go to meet up at katipunan.. the trip officially begins...
Ayala Museum
how many times have you walked along the corridors of greenbelt from the office to the MRT station not realizing that you're passing a building full of treaures! probably in contention with Yuchengco, this is probably the best museum in our country.. collection is not as national artist-y (this is my main interest now) but you can't help but appreciate the extensive zobels (both of them) that they have.
then we get to the luna's and amorsolo's.. things got really interesting (god that sounded so dorky!!) i was almost proud of myself when from outside the room i went "hey.. i recognize that" recognizing amorsolo from 10 ft away. i honestly was not familiar with the painting itself.. but something about the subject, color, mood.. light-bulbed me to think "AMORSOLO!"
yo! fernando! i got you all figured out man! hahaha... then we head to lunch. (we gota eat.. right?)
GSIS Museum
ok.. so this might have been a wrong turn. again, people who know me well would figure that i take wrong turns.. that's what i do. anyway..
this is a really sad museum! yes they do have a good collection of national artists.. some i barely know. bottom line, lotsa pretty pictures in sad condition. here's the clincher -- we decided beforehand to skip this because the Parisian Life (Luna's treasured painting) is on tour somewhere in spain. so we missed that.
but there was the consolation of a replica but seriously.. this replica is even more sad than the museum itself.. my HP bubblejet at home could have done a better job at printing a copy of the damn thing! i always had the percetion that (having seen thomas crown affair one too many times) that a replica is a copy that you will hardly notice the difference from the original.. unless you are a master or/and you inspect the borders... but GSIS does have the right to boast about this. so i have to give it to them for that..
if there is a replica painter out there.. can someone please offer to paint and copy the brush strokes of the parisian life!?! i'm telling you.. that will make your career. then give me a call cuz i want a REAL replica of that painting on my wall as well...
Metropolitan Museum
so we go back to "The Plan".. off to met we go..
surprisingly, this is the first museum where we had to pay for admission. i think we had to pay in ayala too... but we just went right in! hahaha.. hey we bought a couple of things from the sale table.. that's good enough. besides.. ayala de zobel doesn't nearly compare with amador nor gregorio.. we could use the money more! ha!
going back.
a lot of modern art on this one. there was that incident of that room full of foam thingies.. hahah that was fun..
the two most interesting painting in the met are both hidalgos that they have.. well.. aside from the fact that the museum was damn half empty.. not of people.. of paintings!! the hidalgo's where there.
for me, these are the two most magnificent paintings i've seen for that day. the emotions were just too strong. simple.. magnificent. we watched people walk past it.. not appreciating how much of a treasure that painting they are ignorantly walking pass by.. so sad!
i don't wana sound like some snotty arty-fartsy.. but i wish they were at awe as much as i was.. and as depressed that it was in shitty condition..
i move that we give the national treasures to the private museums where we can almost be certain that they will be properly taken care of.. if not sold! haha!!
ok fine.. fact is i missed the spolarium.. the wing of the national museum was closed...
in all.. i guess it's ok to have missed the spolarium.. because as soon as that wing opens.. i shall go see it.
however, i have this to end the day..

they're both gregorios.. (in case your wondering..)
click here for more..
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
fresh start
music: Panic! At the Disco - Camisado
mood: sick
i'm back! i suddenly realized that i am now keeping 4 different blogs.. argh! that can't be good. i couldn't even keep up to updating one blog. i guess that's what i do. the sad thing is, i've always wanted to write. i have fun when i write. especially when i write nonsense (which i do more often than not). and i used to enjoy blogging at friendster because there's a market. friendster takes it upon itself to spread the word on the blog updates i do. but then it becomes a question of, do i honestly want people to be baragged with email notifications screaming to them that i have updated my blog. hmm... not really. i'd like to go incognito. but still write. so the question is.. why am i doing all this writing. i have no idea. i really don't! but i keep doing it anyways.
the hardest part for me is keeping with all the usernames and passwords. on one hand i do keep a single username profile for almost everything. because i forget these things. well i have them tatooed on my ass as well.. but that's a different story.
it just becomes so confusing for me to keep up with all the numbers letter etc. hay...
i have also recently discovered multiply. that's interesting. hahaha..
i've posted some pictures on there.. click here to check them out.
mood: sick
i'm back! i suddenly realized that i am now keeping 4 different blogs.. argh! that can't be good. i couldn't even keep up to updating one blog. i guess that's what i do. the sad thing is, i've always wanted to write. i have fun when i write. especially when i write nonsense (which i do more often than not). and i used to enjoy blogging at friendster because there's a market. friendster takes it upon itself to spread the word on the blog updates i do. but then it becomes a question of, do i honestly want people to be baragged with email notifications screaming to them that i have updated my blog. hmm... not really. i'd like to go incognito. but still write. so the question is.. why am i doing all this writing. i have no idea. i really don't! but i keep doing it anyways.
the hardest part for me is keeping with all the usernames and passwords. on one hand i do keep a single username profile for almost everything. because i forget these things. well i have them tatooed on my ass as well.. but that's a different story.
it just becomes so confusing for me to keep up with all the numbers letter etc. hay...
i have also recently discovered multiply. that's interesting. hahaha..
i've posted some pictures on there.. click here to check them out.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
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